Tripcode Explorer basic user guide.

Back to the main page, HERE.

I created this, because I was sick to death of people asking how to use this and these types of programs.

Tripcode Explorer is produced and maintained by Second Garage (available here: and I have nothing to do with them. Or as an alternative you could try the partially translated English version. Obtainable -> HERE <- ( .exe) or here (.zip). Bear in mind that is not the most up-to-date version. Although that makes no big difference.

Google translations of the original readme.txt, HERE and howto.txt, HERE.

Other programs.

I have compiled a list of links and what not for other tripcode programs, which can be found HERE.

Main window.

Main window

The main window features numerous controls, all of which surprisingly do something.

  1. Menu bar (See section below).

  2. Tool bar (See section below).

  3. Search type selection (See section below).

  4. Search text area (See section below).

  5. Switch for case sensitivity (Unchecked is for case sensitive).

  6. Regular expression area (See section below).

  7. Results pane.

  8. Tripcode column.

  9. Password column.

  10. Search term which was returned.

  11. Position the first letter of the search term was returned in the resultant tripcode.

  12. Length of the returned search term in the resultant tripcode.

  13. Position the last letter of the search term was returned in the resultant tripcode.

  14. Status bar, this gives you an overview of how fast the search is going and how many tripcodes have been searched.

Menu and tool bar.

Menu and tool bar

The menu is explained in more detail below.

The tool bar contains buttons to (in order) Start, pause, stop searches and to cut, copy and paste. The final icon brings up the about box.

There are 5 menus, they can be called (File, Edit, Options, View and Help)

    Options box

  1. Select this option to automatically start searching on program start (only works if there are search terms present).

  2. Automatically save the search results to a file. If deselected you will be prompted on program close.

  3. Automatically saves each new search result to the log file, can slow down performance slightly.

  4. Option to show notification area icon.

  5. Always show the notification area icon.

  6. ASCII compatibility. Selecting this seems to improve the overall average search rate. For 4chan tripcodes this should probably be selected.

  7. Choose a string sorting algorithm “Aho-Corasick” seems the most efficient. ACOpt may work out better for some, so experimentation is the way forward here.

  8. Select if you have a multi-CPU system. Click the small button to the right if you wish to select which CPU's to use.

  9. If the above checkbox is not checked then this option allows you to set the number of threads to use. NOTE: Don't set the number of threads higher than the number of virtual CPUs available to you.

  10. Use SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 2) CPU enhancements (most CPUs above a Pentium 4 or Opteron can utilise this).

  11. Thread priority. From top to bottom the options are: Realtime, high, above normal, normal, below normal, low, idle. It is best to set it to normal or below, unless you planon not being able to do much withyour machine for the duration of it's running.

Searching options.Searching options

The check boxes under the text boxes for both kinds of searches choose between case sensitive and insensitive searches. Unchecked means case sensitive.

It should be noted that the more search terms you supply, the slower your search will run, this is of course obvious, but it still must be said.

The search terms are saved to 2 seperate .txt files, standard search terms are saved to tx2ch-ml.txt and regular expression terms saved to tx2ch-rx.txt.


On screen.

The program outputs on screen in the results pane. The pane is sorted into columns explained below (and previously if you didn't notice):

  1. Tripcode column.

  2. Password column.

  3. Search term which was returned.

  4. Position the first letter of the search term was returned in the resultant tripcode.

  5. Length of the returned search term in the resultant tripcode.

  6. Position the last letter of the search term was returned in the resultant tripcode.

Sorting optionsYou can sort by columns by left clicking on the column to sort, which produces this menu.
The top option sorts ascending the next one descending. The last option I am unsure about, clicking on it places a check mark next to the option for that column, but no visible change in sorting.

To file.

The program outputs to a file called ListView.dat located in the directory where the main Tripcode Explorer executable is located. Each search hit is shown in a separate line and formatted somewhat like this:

sEArchIbwA   #`J@|0nTc sEArch  0 6
TEXTDXr.Jg #vf(YQ7&A TEXT 0 4
HerE5Z5pLY #A6FypJlN HerE 0 4

The file is not overwritten and new search results are concatenated to the end of the file either as they are found or at program close depending on settings chosen (information about settings can be found in the relevant section of this guide).

The file is never deleted or overwritten, so it can grow quite large.

Linux users should be happy, tripcode explorer runs fine through WINE, although some options do not work and performance will obviously suffer somewhat.